Daily Learning Notes for July 14th, 2017

Today I spent the afternoon pair programming with my friend again, this time making a page to edit locations on Food Oasis using the same GitHub app we made yesterday. We also started looking into how to create a Slack bot. Then I spent the evening at our math study group and learned a bit about the British flag theorem from a tricky geometry problem that stumped everyone:

After that, I did a bit of rock climbing and then stayed up late watching a movie (“Your Name”, apparently the highest-grossing anime film in the world) at home with my partner-in-crime, eating popcorn and chips and cheesecake.

Overall, it was a good day! The only downside was that I actually slept until 1:30 in the afternoon, because I had a bad panic attack the night before and stayed up late again. It was good to catch up on sleep, but I felt like a zombie for most of the afternoon. Trying to remember to just be kind to myself and focus on moving forward, rather than beating myself up over it. (I need constant reminders for that!) Hopefully I’ll be on the upswing again soon.