Just a few notes from working on my mob coding app:
Finally started using the Dotenv package to manage local environment variables.
Switched to handling GitHub authentication with my own server and learned how to make a new route that makes a POST request from Node and redirects the user back to the homepage with their GitHub access token. Woohoo!
Set up production version with Heroku environment variables, no more hard-coded URLs or client ID (for now, just using an AJAX request to get the client ID from the server).
Did a second user test, this time virtually, with this fun practice problem from r/DailyProgrammer! Got some good feedback and identified some more bugs.
How should I go about generating an “unguessable string” for the
parameter for GitHub authentication? -
What’s the simplest way to pass a variable from my server to my clients? Do I have to stop using that nifty Express static file server function? Do I need to use a templating system? Is it stupid to use AJAX to request it from the server? (For now, I’m just using an AJAX request.)
What’s the simplest way to make a POST request from my NodeJS server? (Answered: Just use http.request method, woohoo!)
Some research on the GitHub API:
- https://developer.github.com/guides/getting-started/
- https://developer.github.com/v3/git/commits/#create-a-commit
- https://mdswanson.com/blog/2011/07/23/digging-around-the-github-api-take-2.html
- http://github-tools.github.io/github/
- http://www.nolim1t.co/2017/03/08/uploading-to-github-through-the-API.html
- https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Internals-Git-Objects
- http://www.levibotelho.com/development/commit-a-file-with-the-github-api
Tangent: What a cool idea for Jekyll blogs! https://github.com/benbalter/jekyllbot
Next steps: (based on user test feedback)
Make the code editor take up as much screen real estate as possible!
Add some way to choose a programming challenge and load in its instructions!
Display programming challenge instructions separately from the code, so players can read it more easily while others are typing.
Add some sort of notification system to alert players when it’s their turn.
Fix bug where turn changes before the timer is up!
Find out why my app crashed or why it kicked out all the clients after a while. Try deploying via Cloud9 instead, see if that makes any difference, and check the logs.